
Low skilled migrant workers in Europe: how to improve social cohesion?

FEPS in cooperation with the EU Office of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung and TASC, the Think-Tank for Action and Social Change, is carrying out a project which will explore how migrant workers in low skill occupations experience social cohesion in host countries. The project aims to understand effective mechanisms for promoting social interaction with other communities, for instance, through volunteerism, enrolment in education, and union membership, and for contributing to civil society and public life. The aim is to understand the obstacles faced by workers who are often employed in precarious and exploitative conditions to participation in society and, likewise, ask if improving working conditions and quality of life for these workers will necessarily enhance social cohesion.

As part of this project, the three organisations are organising a roundtable event that will bring together civil society experts, trade union representatives, policymakers, representatives of European institutions and academic researchers to discuss the state and prospects of social cohesion policies in communities with high shares of low-skill immigrant workers.

This event is closed-door.





Wednesday, 15 May 2019