
25-26 Nov – Brussels – PES Convention

FEPS will organize 16 workshops and one literature coffee at the PES convention which will take place in the Square on Friday and Saturday. Join us for progressive thoughts on the 3rd floor.

Here is the list (PDF) of all the FEPS activities during these two days event.
Here is the full programme and all necessary info of the Progressive Convention.

FEPS will have a stand there but if you can not attend the event, there will be a live coverage of the full event.

Below you find the #tags to use if you would like to tweet from your workshop and plenary sessions.

Twitter (@PES_PSE) - List of #tags:

Convention: #Re_new
A fair economy: #Re_eco
Equal societies: #Re_soc
A just world: #Re_world
Active democracy: #Re_dem

There is also a Facebook page


Brussels – PES Convention


Friday, 25 November 2011 - Saturday, 26 November 2011