

  • ProgressivesSpeakUp: School of young local politicians

    July 07th - 09th, 2022

    School for young local leaders, 7 – 9 July, Reggio Emilia (IT)

    This year’s School of young local politicians will focus on an important priority of European progressives: promoting equal access to high-quality early childhood education and care for all children in the European Union.

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  • FEPS DataTalks, in cooperation with MEP Miapetra...

    June 16th - 30th, 2022

    In February 2022, the European Commission published its proposal for a Data Act. It aims to incentivise the sharing and usage of data, while also increasing fairness in the data value chain, and providing a European alternative to the data economy, typically marked by data monopolies and data hoarding. Moreover, it intends to create a more dynamic cloud computing market:...

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  • The (im) possibility of an island? ethical AI in a...

    June 21, 2022

    More Info coming soon!

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  • Work ahead: labour in the platform economy

    June 14, 2022

    More Info coming soon!

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  • Just Transition: The path to a healthy planet for the...

    June 03, 2022

    Stockholm (Sweden), 3 June 2022

    Urgent action is needed to prevent the breakdown of our climate and the natural world. At the same time, the global divide between rich and poor is deeper than ever, and workers’ rights are under attack. The crisis of nature and the crisis of inequality are closely linked. We must address both at once.

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  • Day of Progressive Economic Policy 2022

    May 30th - 31st, 2022

    Hybrid Conference, Berlin (Germany), 30-31 May 2022

    We are embarking on the frequently invoked “decade of modernisation,” which will be accompanied by massive investment and expenditure needs. In the wake of the Corona pandemic, however, public debt in Germany and Europe has grown to record levels. The question of war and peace in Europe has also returned in full force....

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