
Crowd Work in the European Gig Economy - Employment in the era of online platforms

Conference on the Launch of the Report

28th November 2017, 10:45-16:45

FEPS Office. Rue Montoyer, 40. 1000 Brussels

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There is much talk about the disruptive potential of digitalisation and the sharing economy on labour markets.  But surprisingly little is known about the realities of ‘gig work’ and the new types of employment created by online platforms. Is it a liberating new form of self-employment or a new form of exploitation? How many workers are doing it? Who are they? Is it their main source of income or a top-up to other kinds of work? What is the reality of their working lives? And what are the implications of these new realities for public policy in Europe?

FEPS and UNI Europa, in partnership with the University of Hertfordshire, present on November 28th the study “Work in the European Gig Economy – Research results from the UK, Sweden, Germany, Austria, the Netherlands, Switzerland and Italy”. The report presents the results of an innovative survey across seven European countries, revealing, for the first time, the extent and characteristics of crowd workers.

The event is an occasion to promote an open debate on the new forms of labour; a debate that is relevant for both academic and policy-relevant research. To this end, speakers for institutions, academia, unions, new businesses and think tanks will gather at FEPS on November 28th. You are invited as well, please register here: 



Rue Montoyer 40. Brussels Rue Montoyer 40. Brussels


Tuesday, 28 November 2017 - Wednesday, 29 November 2017