
For a Fair, Modern & Efficient Corporate Taxation in Europe

Several forces create a unique momentum for corporate tax reform. On the one hand the Lux Leaks, the Panama Papers and most recent the Paradise Papers have clarified to the public how sizable are the malpractices in tax governance. On the other hand, the Commission’s interventions like the case against Apple in Ireland open the way to a serious discussion about how to re-design the corporate tax systems in Europe. Brexit and the tensions for a reform of the Own Resources also open up a window of opportunity for a role of the EU in corporate taxation.

To make significant progress we need to ensure consensus between EU member states. We need a reform that is able to accommodate different political sensitivities and government priorities. The objective is to design policies able to ensure fairness, efficiency and a much-needed modernisation of the corporate tax system.

More information and programme coming soon


Brussels Brussels


Monday, 09 April 2018 - Sunday, 15 April 2018