
Europe - Israel relations in the digital era: Economics, security and political engagement

The Foundation for European Progressive Studies, the Fondation Jean Jaurès and the Karl-Renner-Institute organise the fourth annual international seminar, and this edition looks at 'Europe-Israel relations in the digital era: Economics, security and political engagement'. The conference will be held in Tel Aviv, on 3-4 November, at the Institute for National Security Studies (INSS), and is organised with the support of the Macro Center for Political Economics, and the INSS. The digital transition poses new challenges, and is said to make societies, economies and states more connected and interdependent. What is the potential and what are the pitfalls of emerging digital technologies, and how can they be used to cement relations between the EU and Israel?

The seminar will bring together distinguished decision-makers and policy experts from Europe and Israel, providing an ideal opportunity to discuss and analyse how the opportunities and challenges that exist in the bilateral relationship can be best tackled in the digital era.

It will focus on 4 sets of key issues:

  • Are the EU-Israel relations in crisis?
  • Charting a common course in the digital economy: AI, innovation, entrepreneurship and the future of work;
  • Ensuring a safe digital transition: security, privacy and protection
  • Political decision-making in an era of fake news and social media technologies

The conference will feature the participation of a number of high-level speakers, including: Nicholas Schmit, Minister of Labour, Employment and the Social and Solidarity Economy, Luxembourg; Dr. Oded Eran, former ambassador of Israel to the EU and Jordan; Ambassador Dr. Emanuele Giaufret, Delegation of the European Union to Israel; Yossi Vardi, high-tech investor and entrepreneur; and Alfred Gusenbauer, Former Chancellor of Austria.

Check the programme Europe-Israel Relations in the Digital era 


Tel Aviv, The Institute for National Security Studies (INSS), Tel Aviv, Israel


Saturday, 03 November 2018 - Sunday, 04 November 2018