
The political, economic and social impacts of climate change. Series of events

Global warming, climate change, and its effects constitute an extremely complex problematic but it is the utmost urgency to address it. Because it combines transversal issues from environment to economy, health, social inequalities, energy efficiency - literally to all the components of today's societies - as Progressives, we need to encourage a comprehensive, progressive and participatory discussion which will pressure our leaders to commit to effective climate action.

In the light of this and with the aim of raising awareness for progressive policy proposals tackling climate change at regional level, The Foundation for European Progressive Studies and Szociális Demokráciáért Intézet are co-organising a series of conferences "The Political, economy and social impact of Climate Change” with different special focuses according to its location. This event is part of this project and builds on FEPS United for Climate Justice initiative.

Programme Budapest 22nd November

Programme Budapest 26th November

Programme Pécs 28th November

Programme Szombathely 29th November

Programme Szabadság 6th November


Different cities in Hungary


Friday, 22 November 2019 - Friday, 06 December 2019