
Inequalities in the European Semester - Slovenia

Online Presentation - Wednesday, 9th December - 17:00 - 18:20

This publication launch was hosted by Progresiva. The findings from the publication ‘Inequalities in the European Semester’ were presented and discussed by European and Slovenian public policy experts.

As the European Semester will play a key role in the implementation of the Recovery Plans, it becomes essential to push forward the revision process of this fundamental coordination tool and transform it into a useful instrument able to grasp the changes affecting vital aspects of our daily life: health, education and work.

The key recommendation of the Policy Study by Lorenza Antonucci and Francesco Corti is to start monitoring inequalities. Currently, there is a focus on absolute poverty and little information about the trends affecting the European middle class. The indices of the Semester must be upgraded; monitoring work precarity, households’ financial insecurities and access to key services like child and elderly care have to be part of the European toolkit for the coordination of the recovery.

The co-author of the study, Francesco Corti, introduced the Study’s findings and discuss them with eminent guests, including FEPS President Maria Joao Rodrigues, MEP Tanja Fajon and Milan Brglez. The Slovenian perspective was then be presented by the former Slovenian Prime Minister Anton Rop, also former Vice-President of EIB (European Investment Bank) and Milan M. Cvikl, a former member of ECA (European Court of Auditors).

The event was moderated by Mojca Kleva Kekus, President of Progresiva. Interpretation was available from and into English and Slovenian on the Zoom event.


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Wednesday, 09 December 2020