
Policy Measures for a Just Transition

12 May 2022

Ideas for Designing a Structural Transformation to Reduce Inequalities

Policy discussions in Europe and worldwide have started to incorporate the inequality dimension through concepts such as the “just transition” and “climate justice”. Notably, these concepts go beyond compensatory measures and consider the reduction of inequalities as a necessary condition for climate action.

The panel co-organised by FEPS and the Institut d'études européennes of ULB will look at climate policies that help reduce inequalities across multiple levels of governance and integrate perspectives from policymakers, academics and civil society.

At the EU level, proposals for a Social Climate Fund and Just Transition Mechanism seek to integrate inequality-focused policies. Currently, these initiatives are, however, still being debated and contested. Hence, there is value in further specifying the design and the interplay of policies that can be both environmentally friendly and help reduce inequalities.

This policy panel is part of the Interdisciplinary conference on European Advanced Studies (IDEAS) taking place in Brussels from May 11 to 13, 2022, entitled (Dis)Integration from an (in)equality perspective.

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Thursday, 12 May 2022