
JP Mackintosh Memorial Discussion

On 18th October 2018, a panel event will take place from 6-8pm in the Speaker’s State Rooms to mark forty years since the death of former East Lothian MP, John Pitcairn Mackintosh.

John was an exceptional Member of Parliament in the UK who left a profound legacy. His ideas on devolution were transformative and considerably ahead of his time. He was also a strong advocate of the UK’s involvement in Europe, a constitutional reformer, and a fierce debater. This event will build on some of his ideas and examine how those values sit within our movement and society today, using the past to look forward positively.

Organised by The Foundation for European Progressive Studies and Martin Whitfield MP

Upon invitation only

On Thursday 18th October from 6.00 to 8.00pm

in the State Rooms, Speaker’s House, House of Commons, London, Westminster

By kind permission of Mr Speaker, The Rt Hon John Bercow MP


George Foulkes, Life peer, House of Lords

Baroness Helen Liddell, Life peer, House of Lords

Sir David Steel, House of Lords

Charlotte Billigham, FEPS

Chair: Greg Rosen, a Consultant Director at think tank Reform, Chair of the Labour History Group, and ex-Vice Chair of the Fabian Society.


London, House of Commons, London, SW1A 00A


Thursday, 18 October 2018