
EU Conference: Joining Forces for a socially sustainable post-Covid Europe

Wednesday, 2 December 2020 14.00-17.00 CET. Online conference. 

FEPS joined SOLIDAR for its European Conference 2020 to discuss lessons learned from the pandemic in the social realm, as well as CSOs' role in a just recovery.

As the pandemic endures, the employment and social impact of the COVID-19 outbreak is likely being even more dramatic than expected. National governments and European Institutions are in the forefront of the response but on the field, CSOs are directly involved in the provision of key services for the European people, and the more vulnerable in particular.

How to devise national recovery strategies that make the best of the third sector contribution?
How to ensure that EU policymaking will seize the opportunity of this deep rethinking of economic and health policies to promote a sustainable recovery leading to a more social and equal Europe?

The event was also the opportunity to give a preview of SOLIDAR Social Rights Monitor 2020. The flagship publication will complement the European Semester's indicators with insights on the state of social rights and civic space, based on the observations of civil society across 17 countries in Europe. The full publication will be released in December.


Presentation of the European Trends 2020



Wednesday, 02 December 2020