
The Generational Impact of the Coronavirus Pandemic

22 February, 12:45 – 14:00 CET, via Zoom (the online event will be held in Spanish)

By their mid-30s Millennials will have suffered two huge crisis – the 2008 financial crisis and now more recently the global health crises caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. All generations suffer during a crisis but the consequences last longer for the youth.

For Europe’s younger people, the repeated economic shocks have meant that this generation is still struggling to achieve material stability on the one hand and on the other has by and large delayed much of the traits linked with adulthood (getting married, having children or buying a house comes later, when compared to previous generations).

How has the COVID-19 pandemic affected the Spanish youth? What sort of aspirations and expectations do Millennials and Gen Z have towards the future?

Join the conversation with speakers Belén Barreiro, Maria Freitas, Iñaki Gabilondo and Felipe González who will react to these questions and shed some insights on the survey results of the new GENERA report ‘The Generational impact of the Coronavirus Pandemic’ powered by FEPS and Felipe González Foundation.

In the media

  • Por qué los jóvenes de hoy viven peor que sus padres - EL MUNDO
  • Por qué los jóvenes de hoy viven mejor que sus padres - EL MUNDO
  • El desánimo y no la rabia - EL PAÍS
  • La generación milenial, la que más ingresos pierde con la pandemia - EL PAÍS
  • La fundación de Felipe González estudia el impacto generacional del coronavirus - ECA
  • No es país para jóvenes - LA VANGUARDIA


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Monday, 22 February 2021