
Progress Summit - Power move: winning the just recovery we want

Webinar, Tuesday, 8 June and Thursday, 10 June 2021

Power move: winning the just recovery we want

Progressives want a bold and transformational recovery that rectifies inequality and addresses climate change in meaningful ways, and a majority of the public agrees. But transformation requires doing things differently. The third and final part of our Progress Summit explored innovative approaches that are steering our economy and society towards an equitable and sustainable future.

Mariana Mazzucato and Powering the shift towards clean, caring and inclusive economy | Day 1 - June 7, 7 - 8:30pm EDT / June 8, 1 - 2:30 am CET

Building power to achieve a more just future and Awards Ceremony | Day 2 - June 9, 7 - 8:30pm EDT / June 10, 1 - 2:30 am CET

Empowering the Politically Abandoned: Addressing Inequalities in the 2020s | Day 3 - June 10, 1 - 2:30pm EDT / June 10, 7 - 8:30 pm CET

The annual Progress Summit brings together some of the world’s most insightful policy-makers, elected officials, movement-builders and thought leaders to take on the issues of the day and chart a course to a more just and inclusive society. In the past, we have been honoured to welcome to our stage luminaries as diverse as former Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard, Gloria Steinem, Robert Reich and Van Jones.

This year’s Summit was hosted in partnership with the Foundation for European Progressive Studies (FEPS), the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung and the Roosevelt Institute. Given the constraints imposed by the pandemic, our 10th Anniversary Progress Summit will occur online and comprise three sessions spread between March and May of 2021. Our program will take a deep dive into old and new challenges and opportunities we face in this unusual time, including how to build a post-pandemic recovery with prosperity for all.

More info

On the same topic

  • Webinar: Who pays for recovery? Fair taxes and building a future for all (Part 1)
  • Webinar: Building a Caring Economy to Speed Recovery (Part 2)



Monday, 07 June 2021 - Thursday, 10 June 2021