
Social rights and wellbeing at the heart of a new EU Economic Governance

1 December 2021

SOLIDAR and Foundation for European Progressive Studies – FEPS jointly organised their 2021 European Conference titled "BUILDING BACK BETTER: Social rights and wellbeing at the heart of a new EU Economic Governance".

While EU economies and societies slowly recover from the Covid-19 crisis, the European Commission relaunched the EU Economic Governance Review process, which had been postponed due to the outbreak of the pandemic. However, European societies are not the same as they were in February 2020, when the process was originally launched.

How will this be reflected in the new Economic Governance? Will the lessons learned during the Covid-19 crisis be incorporated and social justice and wellbeing be prioritised? Can we build back better?

We have tried to answer these questions through a discussion with EU policymakers, researchers, as well as trade unions and civil society representatives at our annual European Conference. To have a clearer idea of the state of social rights in Europe, SOLIDAR and FEPS presented the results of the Social Rights Monitor 2021, their publication that assesses the implementation of the European Pillar of Social Rights at the national level. This have helped give context to the discussion and identify the challenges that should be taken into account for the Review.

AGENDA | Social Rights Monitor

Interpretation into and from the following languages will be available: EN-ES-FR-IT-DE.




Wednesday, 01 December 2021