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Next Left, New Social Deal 10 Strategic Proposals for the Progressives to become the Movement of the Future

November 06, 2017
Author: Ania Skrzypek

Next Left, New Social Deal. 10 Strategic Proposals for the Progressives to become the Movement of the Future is a new FEPS paper, in which the author – Dr. Ania Skrzypek, FEPS Senior Research Fellow – captured the most intriguing ideas articulated in the course of nearly a decade of a pan-European, interdisciplinary and multidimensional conversation. Focused on the prospects and choices that the centre left is facing, the publication is herewith released in the hopes that it will prove to be a constructive contribution and inspiration. It calls for a new understanding of modernity and of the implications of living in transformational times, when it comes to forging a new social contract. It proposes solutions how to regain political ground, by investing in concepts such as Welfare Societies; Egalitarian Quality Employment; and a Strong, Active and Dynamic State that prevents inequalities. It also makes the case for progressive way to solve the European dilemma and to forge new global solidaristic commitments. To that end, the text points out how to succeed in times of fragmentation and volatility of electorates, by reaching beyond the traditional partisan polarization and by claiming new grounds in order to re-enter the broader political competition. 

To receive a hardcopy of the book please, contact Kate Koc,, FEPS Events Organiser.

Read the digital edition

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