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Story of a journey across Europe: from first reception to integration of migrants

December 14, 2017

Within this volume, researchers from three countries have made an assessment of the different steps that economic and humanitarian migrants experience during their journey across Europe. The volume presents the results of a research programme developed by FEPS and SOLIDAR on the topic of migration and integration as a follow up of the research programme 'From Europe to Local: Migrating Solidarity' in 2016.

With three outstanding contributions covering the cases of Greece, Italy and Germany, the volume aims to assess the procedures in place from first reception at arrival to the integration in society and labour market of asylum seekers and migrants, with a focus on women and minors. The level of involvement of NGOs in the reception system and integration policies in the three countries is also explored and assessed in the volume. The book also includes a photographic project which complements the assessment made by the authors with visual testimonies of the situations faced by migrants on their journey across Europe.

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